Sinus node dysfunction (SND) and sick sinus syndrome (SSS)

Sinus node dysfunction and sick sinus syndrome Sinus node dysfunction is an umbrella term for conditions that either affect the  automaticity  of the sinoatrial node or blocks the impulse from reaching the atria. Disturbed automaticity and blocked impulses lead to arrhythmias that characterize sinus node dysfunction. The conditions encircled by the term sinus node dysfunction are as follows: Sinus bradycardia  (which in its purest form means that the automaticity is simply diminished). Chronotropic incompetence  (inability of the sinoatrial node to adequately increase its automaticity during physical activity). Sinus arrest & sinus pause  (intermittent failures to discharge impulses). Sinoatrial block  (delayed or blocked impulse conduction between the sinoatrial node and the atrium). All these conditions have been discussed in detail in the previous articles. Hence, sinus node dysfunction may manifest with any of the four abovementioned conditions. The majority of patients will experience sym…

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