Right bundle branch block (RBBB): ECG, criteria, definitions, causes & treatment

Right bundle branch block (RBBB): ECG, criteria, definitions, causes & treatment
Right bundle branch block (RBBB) Right bundle branch block (RBBB) is due to an anatomical or functional dysfunction in the right bundle branch, such that the electrical impulse is blocked. Refer to  Figure 1  for an overview of the components of the ventricular conduction system, including the right bundle branch. In the setting of RBBB, depolarization (i.e activation) of the right ventricle will depend on electrical impulses spreading from the left ventricle. However, the electrical impulse that spreads from the left ventricle (to the right ventricle) will spread slowly because it travels partly or entirely outside of the conduction system. The slow spread of the impulse will result in a slow (and abnormal) activation of the right ventricle, which yields a bizarre and prolonged  QRS complex  on  ECG . The hallmark of right bundle branch block is  QRS duration ≥0,12 seconds ,  large R’-wave in V1/V2  and a  broad and deep S-wave in V5/V6 .  Figure 2  illustrates a normal ECG, a right bundle branch b…

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