Factors that modify the natural course in acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

Factors that modify infarct size and the natural course in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) The traditional distinction between  NSTE-ACS (NSTEMI, Non-STEMI)  and  STE-ACS (STEMI)  is slightly simplified. In reality, the course in  acute myocardial infarction (AMI)  is modified by several factors. The most important of these, and their implications, are as follows: The size of the thrombus (i.e the degree of artery obstruction):  The greater the obstruction the more extensive the ischemia/infarction. The location of the thrombus in the artery:  a proximally located thrombus will cut off blood flow to more branches, and thus more myocardium, as compared with a distally located thrombus. The duration of the ischemia:  the longer the duration of the ischemia, the more extensive the infarction. These three are the most important determinants of infarct size. However, there are additional factors that deserve mention. Collateral circulation: connected coronary arteries Coronary  collateral circulation  may…

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