Assessment of Pacemaker Malfunction
Pacemaker malfunction, troubleshooting and ECG Conventional surface ECG can reveal the following types of pacemaker dysfunction: Failure to capture (FTC) , which means that the pacemaker stimulations do not result in myocardial activation. Failure to pace (FTP) , which means that the pacemaker does not stimulate as expected. Oversensing , which means that the pacemaker senses signals that are not true P-waves or R-waves. Sensing of such signals normally inhibits the pacemaker. Oversensing may lead to underpacing . Failure to sense (undersensing) , which means that it fails to sense true P-waves or R-waves. Undersensing may lead to overpacing . Failure to rate adjust, which means that the pacemaker fails to adjust its rate according to haemodynamic needs. This is only relevant in rate responsive pacemakers. These failures typically result in missing stimulation artifacts, misplaced stimulation artifacts, irregular pacing, etc. Most cases of malfunction are associated with the electronics in the pul…
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Cuộc đời thì ngắn, mà nghề thì miên man;cơn bệnh phập phù;kinh nghiệm hiểm nguy, còn quyết định thì thật khó.Người thầy thuốc không phải chỉ chuẩn bị để tự mình làm đúng, mà còn khiến cho bệnh nhân, người đi theo và các yếu tố xung quanh hợp tác hài…