Causes of chest pain

Causes of chest pain
The causes of chest pain can range from harmless to imminently life-threatening. This makes it one of the most important symptoms for medics to be able to interpret quickly. Chest pain is often considered a medical emergency until cardiac (heart-related) causes are excluded. Having a differential diagnosis in mind helps medics take a history, examine, and choose investigations to solve the case. Below is my illustrated differential diagnosis of causes medics should be aware of. When there are a lot of diagnoses to remember it is often helpful to divide them into categories. One way to do this is anatomically: Cardiac Respiratory Gastrointestinal Musculoskeletal Cardiac Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) ACS describes reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. People often report pain as being tight, “like a band across my chest”, and heavy “like an elephant sitting on my chest”. Pain can radiate from the chest to the neck, jaw, left arm, and back. Associated symptoms include nausea, vomiting, shortn…

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Cuộc đời thì ngắn, mà nghề thì miên man;cơn bệnh phập phù;kinh nghiệm hiểm nguy, còn quyết định thì thật khó.Người thầy thuốc không phải chỉ chuẩn bị để tự mình làm đúng, mà còn khiến cho bệnh nhân, người đi theo và các yếu tố xung quanh hợp tác hài…

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